I will always be a traveler. Exploring undiscovered territories is a part of who I am. Now, being a professional traveler for work-related activities is a privilege to me, because I enjoy my work. There are moments when the two worlds collide and I am tired. Fatigued. I’ve tackled travel and wellness in these posts:
- Put your oxygen mask on.
- Back to life: recuperating after travel
- Wellness on the road for event professionals.
Travel fatigue is a form of exhaustion and the symptoms are many.
- Impatience
- Lethargia
- Depleted energy
- Anxiety
- Oversleeping
- Overeating
- Forgetfulness, including forgetting to eat
- Irritability
There are other symptoms but these are the few that prevail and the ones we sometimes overlook as signs of fatigue and exhaustion.
I don’t have a ‘cure’ but I have a few wise words of caution. Listen to your body. If your travel fatigue is related to professional travel, you can’t just quit your job. However, you can optimize downtime to exercise, make a concerted effort to drink plenty of water and eat healthier, and steal time to rest your mind and body.
My profession is about energy and movement, so taking care of my body is important. Plus, I want to be healthy for my kids.