by admin | Oct 31, 2018 | blog, Featured, Footer Slider
One of the best compliments I have ever received was from a new friend who said, “Anthony, you know when to put your oxygen mask on first.” The friend assured me that it was the best possible thing for a person to do, and a hard lesson to learn. There is...
by admin | Sep 4, 2018 | blog, Featured
I’ve just returned from Brazil and an activity-filled excursion. Recall that I am an event planner and my non-vacation life is about to become hectic with events and meetings to the end of the year. How in the world will I recuperate? Well, I have a few tips:...
by admin | Aug 6, 2018 | blog, Featured
We are constantly surrounded by food and drinks that are filled with lots of empty calories. It is easy to pack on the pounds as an event planner. We are also often stressed though it does not show up in client interactions; it will however show up in how we live and...